CrossFit WOD, March 1, 2023
CrossFit - Wed, Mar 1Metcon<p>10 Minute EMOM</p><p>5 Ring Dips</p><p>5 Strict pull ups</p>Metcon<p>20 Minute EMOM</p><p>MIN 1: 6Deadlift 275/185</p><p>Min 2: 12 Wall Balls 25/20</p>
CrossFit - Wed, Mar 1Metcon<p>10 Minute EMOM</p><p>5 Ring Dips</p><p>5 Strict pull ups</p>Metcon<p>20 Minute EMOM</p><p>MIN 1: 6Deadlift 275/185</p><p>Min 2: 12 Wall Balls 25/20</p>
CrossFit - Tue, Feb 28Back Squat (7x5 AHAP)Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)<p>20 minute AMRAP</p><p>10 DB Power Cleans 60/30</p><p>10 5 each leg 60/30</p>
CrossFit - Mon, Feb 27Metcon (Time)<p>10 Rounds</p><p>10 Bench Press 155/95</p><p>10 Pendlay Rows 155/95</p><p>20 Cal Row</p>
CrossFit - Sun, Feb 26Metcon (Time)<p>4 Rounds</p><p>25 Cal Bike</p><p>10 DB squat Cleans 35/25</p><p>30 Lunges holding 1 DB in the front rack</p><p>40 Mountain Climbers</p>
CrossFit - Sat, Feb 25Metcon (Time)<p>5 Rounds ( Partner up, You go I go on All)</p><p>300m Row (Ris)</p><p>20 KBs 53/35</p><p>10 KB Snatch 53/35 each arm</p><p>20…
CrossFit - Fri, Feb 24Turkish Get Up (8x3 Each Arm )Metcon (Time)<p>5 KB Thrusters Each Arm 53/35</p><p>10 Ring Push ups</p><p>15 Cal Bike</p><p>5 Rounds</p>
CrossFit - Thu, Feb 23Prison Press (Weight)7x7 AHAPDumbbell pullovers (5x8 AHAP)2k Row (Time)Max Effort 2k Row
CrossFit - Wed, Feb 22Hang Power Snatch (6x3 )Metcon (Time)<p>6 Rounds</p><p>5 Hang power snatch 95/65</p><p>5 OHS</p><p>10 Burpees</p>
CrossFit - Tue, Feb 21Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)<p>30 Minute AMRAP</p><p>8 Power Cleans 135/95</p><p>9 Pull ups</p><p>10 Box Jumps 24/20</p><p>750m Row</p>
CrossFit - Mon, Feb 20Back to front (Weight)6sets of 6 back squat 4 front squat Metcon (Time)<p>4 Rounds</p><p>400m Run</p><p>15 T2B</p><p>15 Goblet Squats 53/35</p>