CrossFit WOD, February 1, 2021
WODWeightliftingPush Press (Weight)Metcon (Time)4 Rounds 10 Push press 135/95 750m Row 20 GHDSU
WODWeightliftingPush Press (Weight)Metcon (Time)4 Rounds 10 Push press 135/95 750m Row 20 GHDSU
WODMetconAnd Then Some (5 Rounds for reps)5 Rounds each round scored for time. 2 Minutes rest after each round. 10 Manmakers 35/25 20 KBs 70/53…
WODBecause I Said So (Time)4 Rounds 20 Box Jumps 24/20 20 K2E 40 Lunges 20 Each leg 20 CFSU 20 DB Snatch 60/40 10 each…
WODWeightliftingSumo Deadlift High Pull (5x5)Power Clean (5x3)Hang Clean (5x2)Metcon (Time)21-15-9 Hang power cleans 95/65 HRPU
WODWeightliftingDumbbell bench press (6x10)8 Ball (Time)8 Rounds 8 Cal Bike 8 Wall Balls 20/15
WODGet Up Get Down (Time)10 Rounds 5 Front Squat 185/135 250m Row 5 HSPU
WODWeightliftingDeadlift (1x1 )20 minutes build to a heavy single Metcon (Time)4 Rounds 10 Deadlift 155/115 10 Pull ups 25 Cal Bike
WIDMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)30 Minute AMRAP 15 Box jumps 24/20 500m row 10 DB Squat cleans 35/25 10 DB Push press 35/25
WODWeightliftingHang Power Snatch (6x4)Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)15 min AMRAP 21 Cal Bike 15 CFSU 9 Hang power snatch 95/65
WODAre you OK?? (Time)1 Mile Run into 100 T2B every time you drop do 5 Wall Balls 25/20