CrossFit WOD, November 1, 2023
CrossFit - Wed, Nov 1Cold November Rain (Weight)30 Minute EMOM Min 1: 8 DB Bench Press AHAPMin 2: 12 Cal Bike Min 3: 30 Mountain…
CrossFit - Wed, Nov 1Cold November Rain (Weight)30 Minute EMOM Min 1: 8 DB Bench Press AHAPMin 2: 12 Cal Bike Min 3: 30 Mountain…
CrossFit - Tue, Oct 31Cleans & Core 2 (Time)4 Rounds 25 CFSU 10 Power Cleans 135/95 25 A T2B 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
CrossFit - Mon, Oct 30Back Squat (1x5 @ 60%)Back Squat (1x5 @ 65%)Back Squat (1x5 @ 70%)Back Squat (1x5 @ 75%)Front Squat (1x5 @ 60%)Front…
CrossFit - Sun, Oct 29McGhee (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)30-Minute AMRAP of: 5 Deadlifts, 275#/185# 13 Push-ups 9 Box Jumps, 24"/20" In honor of Corporal…
CrossFit - Sat, Oct 28Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)40 Min AMRAP200ft Yoke AHAP OR 200ft Sled AHAP400m Run 15 KBs 53/3510 Ring Dips 5…
CrossFit - Fri, Oct 27Back Squat (1x5 @ 65%)Back Squat (3x5 @ 75%)Front Squat (4x5 @ 65%)Metcon (Time)15 Rounds 10 Cal Bike 10 Wall Balls…
CrossFit - Thu, Oct 26Metcon (Time)3 Rounds 30 Power Snatch 75/5520 Burpee Box Jumps 24/2030 SDHP 75/55800m Run
CrossFit - Wed, Oct 25Metcon (Time)5 Rounds100m Farmers Carry drop KBs run to the 400m pole and back to the KBs 100m Farmer carry the…
CrossFit - Tue, Oct 24Cleans and Core 5 (Time)5 Rounds 15 Cal Bike 8 Hang power Cleans 135/95 15 Back Ext 7 Hang Squat Cleans…
CrossFit - Mon, Oct 23Back Squat (1x5 @ 60%)Back Squat (1x3 @70%)Back Squat (1x2 @ 80%)Back Squat (1x2 @ 90%)Back Squat (1x1 @ 95%)Front Squat…