CrossFit WOD, November 20, 2021
WODMetcon (Time)Partner up 4 Rounds Partner 1 15 KBs 70/53 12 Box jumps 24/20 9 Burpees Partner 2 Row 750m
WODMetcon (Time)Partner up 4 Rounds Partner 1 15 KBs 70/53 12 Box jumps 24/20 9 Burpees Partner 2 Row 750m
WODMetcon (5 Rounds for reps)5 Rounds Bench press 95/65 max reps 400m Run 20 T2B Bench press reps per round will be the score Rest…
WODMetconTight Rope (Time)5 rounds 10 KB deadlift R leg 10 KB deadlift L leg 500 m Row 10 KB clean jerk R arm 10 KB…
WODMetcon (Time)120 weighted lunges - Use options for weight. Could be KB/DB Front Rack, KB/DB Suitcase, Plate overhead, sandbag over the shoulder. Get creative! perform…
WODComplex Cindy (Weight)24 minute EMOM Odd minute Power clean, hang squat clean, push jerk complex Even minute 1 round of Cindy
WODWeightliftingFront Squat (3x3)Front Squat (3x2)Front Squat (3x1)Metcon (Time)7 Rounds AHAP 5 KBs snatch left arm 5 KBs snatch right arm 10 Goblet squats
WODMetcon (Time)Accumulate a six minute overhead hold with KBs. Each time you break complete a 500m row
WODMetconMartin (Time)For Time, (With a Partner): 2,000-m row 100 bodyweight deadlifts 50 thrusters (65/95 lb.) 1,000-m row 100 hand-release push-ups 50 pull-ups 500-m row 100…
WODMake IT a Double (Weight)30 Minute EMOM 2 Power Cleans
WODOoFa (5 Rounds for reps)5 Rounds 5 Heavy Back Squats 15 cal Bike 10 Burpees Every round is a sprint. Rest as needed up to…