CrossFit WOD, April 1, 2021
WODMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)30 Minute AMRAP 500m row 12 DB bench press 55/35 12 GHDSU 12 Back ext 1 minute Plank
WODMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)30 Minute AMRAP 500m row 12 DB bench press 55/35 12 GHDSU 12 Back ext 1 minute Plank
Week 8 Day 1 Hatch DeadliftWeightliftingDeadlift (1x5 @ 65%)Deadlift (1x5 @ 70%)Deadlift (1x5 @ 75%)Deadlift (1x5 @ 80% )Sumo Deadlift (6x5 )Shake and Bake (Time)4…
WODMetcon3-4-5 (Time)6 Rounds 7 HSPU 8 Box Jumps 30/24 9 T2b 100ft Farmers Carry 70/53 400m Run
WODMetcon (Time)DT with a twist 5 Rounds 12 deadlifts 9 hang power cleans 6 push jerks Rest 2 minutes Then 1k row or 800m run
WODThat Saturday Mix Up See you at 9AM we will be mixing it up get ready for some Prowler Farmers Stones
WODWeightliftingDeadlift (1x4 @ 70%)Deadlift (1x4 @ 75%)Deadlift (1x4 @ 80%)Deadlift (1x4 @ 85%)Snatch Grip Deadlift (4x10 )Metcon1 TIME (Time)1 Rounds 250 Cal Row 21-15-9 of…
WODHoppy (4 Rounds for reps)4 Rounds Every 8 Minutes 800m Run 10 Bench Press 155/105 20 CFSU Remaining time Max Box jumps 2 Minute rest…
WODLEX Special (AMRAP - Rounds)30 Minute EMOM Power Clean Lunge Left & Right Leg with bar in front rack position Shoulder to Overhead Level-1 95/65…
WOD Hatch week 7 day 1WeightliftingDeadlift (1x5 @ 70%)Deadlift (1x5 @ 80%)Deadlift (1x3 @85%)Deadlift (1x2 @ 90%)Deadlift (1x1 @ 100%)Back Extentions (4x 10 )back extentions…