CrossFit WOD, October 1, 2022
CrossFit - Sat, Oct 1Crew Love <p>5 Rounds</p><p>Partner Work</p><p>You GO I GO on All</p><p>20 Wall Balls 25/20</p><p>20 HRPU</p><p>10 Squat Cleans 135/95</p><p>10 HSPU</p><p>500m Row </p>
CrossFit - Sat, Oct 1Crew Love <p>5 Rounds</p><p>Partner Work</p><p>You GO I GO on All</p><p>20 Wall Balls 25/20</p><p>20 HRPU</p><p>10 Squat Cleans 135/95</p><p>10 HSPU</p><p>500m Row </p>
CrossFit - Fri, Sep 30Hatch Deadlift<p>DeadLift</p><p>1x10 @ 60%<br />1x8 @ 70%<br />1x6 @ 75%<br />1x4 @ 80% </p><p> </p><p>Goodmornings 5x8</p><p> </p><p>RDL’s with Dumbbells 5x5</p><p> </p><p>OR METCON </p><p>30 Minute AMRAP </p><p>15 KB…
CrossFit - Thu, Sep 29Touchdown <p><strong>5 Rounds </strong></p><p><strong>750m Row</strong></p><p><strong>20 KBS Russian 70/53</strong></p><p><strong>20 Box jumps 24/20</strong></p>
CrossFit - Wed, Sep 28Why do I do This (Time)<p>40 Minute AMRAP</p><p>800m Run </p><p>10 Power Snatch 115/85</p><p>20 CFSU</p><p>10 Burpees over bar </p><p>40 mountain climbers </p>
CrossFit - Tue, Sep 27METCON<p>10 Round EMOM</p><p>Min 1: 7 Power Cleans 155/115</p><p>Min 2: 7 Push Press 155/115</p><p>Min 3: 7 Strict Pull ups </p>
WODWeightliftingBack Squat (1x10 @ 60%)Back Squat (1x8 @ 70%)Back Squat (1x6 @ 75%)Back Squat (1x4 @ 80%)Front Squat (1x5 @ 60%)Front Squat (3x5 @ 70%)Work…
WODMetcon (Time)Buy in 500m Row into 4 Rounds of 10 cal bike 10 Front squats 135/95 40 DUs 200m Run Buy out 500m Row
WODMetconAbbate (Time)For time: Run 1 mile 155-lb. clean and jerks, 21 reps Run 800 meters 155-lb. clean and jerks, 21 reps Run 1 mile In…
WODTGI——-F**K YoU (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)30 Minute AMRAP 400m Run 10 Ring Dips 10 Box jumps 24/20 10 Renegade Rows (AHAP)
WODWeightliftingDumbbell Thruster (8x5)Metcon (Time)21-15-9 Dumbbell Thrusters 35/25 Burpees Cal Bike