CrossFit WOD, November 1, 2021
WODWeightliftingBear Complex (8x1)Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Second Push PressMetcon (Time)4 Rounds 10 Squat cleans 95/65 400m Run 15 T2B
WODWeightliftingBear Complex (8x1)Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Second Push PressMetcon (Time)4 Rounds 10 Squat cleans 95/65 400m Run 15 T2B
WODMetcon (4 Rounds for reps)4 Rounds 800m Run 5 Power Cleans 185/135 Remaining time max Burpee pull ups 6 Minute cap 2 Minutes rest after…
WODMetconMischief Night (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)45 Minute AMRAP 30 Ball Walls 20/14 30 DB snatch 15 each arm 50/35 30 Push ups 30 Cal…
WODMetcon (Time)6 Rounds 8 Back Squats BW 10 Ring Dips 12 Cal Bike
WODTIC TOK MF'er (10 Rounds for reps)Every 3 Minutes fro 30 Minutes complete: 6 Thrusters 95/65 12 Cal Row 6 Pull ups
WODWICKED (Time)10-1 and back up 1/10 of: Deadlift 185/135 Box Jumps 24/20
WODMetconKettle Bell Fight (3 Rounds for reps)3 Rounds KBS CFSU KB SDHP Burpees Goblet Squats RXed 53/44 0ne Minute of Each exercise 2 Minute Break…
WODMetconBust That Ass (Weight)40 Minute EMOM Min 1: 4 HSPU Min 2: 6 DB Squat cleans 45/30 Min 3: 12 Cal bike Min 4: Rest
WODMetcon (Weight)Min 1: 4 deadlift 275/205 Min 2: 6 Devils Press 35/25 Min 3: 8 Pull ups Min 4: Rest
WODMetcon (Time)100 Lunges 50 each leg 1 Mile Run 75 Wall Balls 20/14 1 Mile Run 50 Burpees