CrossFit WOD, February 2, 2020
wodMetconCoffland (Time)Hang from a pull-up bar for 6 minutes Each time you drop from the bar, perform: 800-m run 30 push-ups Post time to comments…
wodMetconCoffland (Time)Hang from a pull-up bar for 6 minutes Each time you drop from the bar, perform: 800-m run 30 push-ups Post time to comments…
wodKobe Bryant (Time)81 Cal Row buy-in 5 Rounds 8 Power Snatch 135/95 24 Wall Balls 20/14 20 Box jumps 24/20 41 Burpee cash-out
wodWeightliftingBack Squat (5x12)Metcon (Time)3 Rounds 8 Thrusters 95/65 16 HRPU 24 Cal Bike
wodCleans & Core 2 (Time)4 Rounds 25 CFSU 10 Power Cleans 135/95 25 A T2B 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
wodThe Manny (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)25 min AMRAP 500m Row 8 Single Arm DB S2OH Suitcase carry down and back 8 Alternating DB Snatch…
WODWeightliftingSingle leg KB Deadlift (4x10)10 Reps right leg 10 Reps left leg weigh is AHAPMetcon (Time)3 Rounds 30 DUs/90 singles 20 Burpees 10 HSPU
wodMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20 minute AMRAP 1 rd of the chief 250m row Chief is 3 power cleans 135/95 6 push ups 9…
wodHang with Me (Time)1 minute hang 1000 meter Row 40 Box jumps 24/20 40 DB Snatch 60/45 1 minute hang 1000 meter Row 20 Box…
WodMetcon (Time)10 Rounds 200m Run 10 Ring Dips 10 Wall Balls
WODCleans & Core 1 (Time)6 Rounds 10 Squat Cleans 155/115 20 GHDSU 5 Hang Squat Cleans 135/95 10 T2B