CrossFit WOD, May 1, 2021
WODMetcon (Weight)30 MIN EMOM Min: 1 8 alt dumbbell snatch 50/35 Min 2: 10 Burpees to a target Min 3: 12 Air squats Min 4:…
WODMetcon (Weight)30 MIN EMOM Min: 1 8 alt dumbbell snatch 50/35 Min 2: 10 Burpees to a target Min 3: 12 Air squats Min 4:…
WODWeek of Bill (Day 5) (Time)21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Cal row Burpee Box jump24/20
WODMetcon10 minutes of Double under practice Metcon (Weight)10x3 Back squat. Ascending wait between each set 40 double unders. If you don’t have double unders 10/15…
WODWeek of Bill Day 3 (Weight)24 minute EMOM 1 Clean and Jerk
WODWeek of Bill Day 2 (Time)6 Rounds 5 deadlifts (heavy and unbroken) 10 HSPU (sub DB strict press) 15 cal bike
WODThe Week of Bill Day 1 (Time)400m Run 50 HRPU 400m Run 50 Pull ups 400m Run 50 KB Goblet squats 53/35 400m Run 50…
WODMetcon (4 Rounds for reps)4 Rounds 2 minutes to complete 15 cal row Remaining time deadlift 1 min rest 2 minutes to complete 15 cal…
WODTrip dreaming (Time)Partner 4 Rounds 800m Run "together" 20 T2B '20 each' 10 Power cleans '10 each' 20 Front Squats '20 each' 10 Hang power…
WODWeightliftingDeadlift (1x5 @ 60%)Deadlift (1x5 @ 65%)Deadlift (2x5 @ 70%)Sumo Deadlift (6x8 )Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)32 minute AMRAP 15 Devils press 35/25 12…
WODWeightliftingBench Press (5x7)Prison Press (Weight)8x8 AHAPMetcon (Time)4 Rounds 15 cal bike 15 HRPU